Personalized consultations
The advice and listening are two very important values at Elixirs & Co. Bach flowers acting on your emotional state, we are resolutely turning to advice and accompaniment to the proper use of Bach flowers.
Proud of our values, of the customer service that we offer, it seemed to us primordial to make available to those who want it, a service of personalized consultations.
Telephone consultations
It is quite natural that the telephone consultation is born in this coming year 2016 and is now available to you online.
Now, no matter where you are, you can benefit from personalized support and advice dedicated to Bach flowers.
If you want to regain well-being naturally and transform your negative emotions from everyday into positive emotions (stress, sleep problem, anxiety, lack of self-confidence ...), consultation can be a tool in the way of self- Personal fulfillment in nature.
During a half-hour personal interview, you will discuss with our counselor who will invite you to clarify the emotions that disturb you.
He will advise you, at the end of the consultation, the Bach flowers to help you solve the problems you encounter.
If at the end of this consultation, you order a customized elixir, the shipping costs will be offered to you.
Face-to-face consultations
You come to the Consulting Cabinet and, during a one-hour personalized interview session, you can express the emotions that disturb you in order to achieve a customized elixir to solve the problems you encounter.
At the end of the interview, you will leave with a tailor-made elixir corresponding to your problem and take for 3 weeks.