It can happen that you find your child inattentive, lacking focus or a little bit of a dreamer. Some children can find it harder than others to concentrate at important times, at school or at home, for example. Children lacking focus often need the simple help that Bach flowers can bring them to concentrate and to be less easily distracted by the environment around them

Lack of concentration

Your child’s mind seems elsewhere when you speak to him. He is living in a world of his own and doesn’t pay attention to the people and things around him.

Our advice

Give him four drops of the elixir CONCENTRATION four times a day to help him be more attentive and focused. To help him drink it, you can dilute the drops in water, fruit juice or herbal tea.

Lacking interest

Our children live in a world with more and more distractions and this can lead to them lacking concentration. They are easily distracted and can’t keep their attention focused on a single subject or activity.

Our advice

Give your child four drops of the elixir MOTIVATION to help him get more involved and to recover enthusiasm and interest for things. To help him drink it, you can dilute the drops in water, fruit juice or herbal tea.

Difficulties in learning

He can’t keep up his attention for any length of time at school and has difficulty concentrating and learning to read and write.

Our advice

The elixir CONCENTRATION is a combination of flowers acting on our concentration and inattention. You can give the elixir to your child in different ways. To help him drink it, you can dilute the drops in water, fruit juice or herbal tea. Give your child 4 drops several times a day. Repeat the process until the problem disappears.