Your teenager often gets angry and is full of doubts and uncertainty. He or she may have a dark outlook on life and doesn’t feel at home in the world.
He is full of doubts and questions about life
The period of adolescence is a period of change. Teenagers ask themselves a lot of questions and look for answers. They have doubts about their choices and question what the future has in store for them.
Our advice
Give your son or daughter four drops of the DECISIONS elixir. To make it easier to drink, you can dilute the elixir in water, fruit juice or herbal tea. Repeat the process every day until you see an improvement in his or her mood.
He tests his own limits and contradicts everybody
He tests his own limits and yours. He goes against prevailing values and rebels against rules in general. He is trying to find his place and affirm his personality. He replies to all your requests in the negative. Nothing interests him and he never misses a chance to contradict you. He immediately rejects all your suggestions and your attempts to get closer to him.
Our advice
Give your son or daughter four drops of the TEENAGERS elixir. To help them drink it, you can dilute the elixir in water, fruit juice or herbal tea. Repeat the process every day until you see an improvement in his or her mood.
He gets angry easily
He is easily irritated since he reached adolescence and and his behaviour has changed out of all recognition. He soon gets annoyed and is angry for no good reason.
Our advice
In moments of anger, spray the CONFLICTS treating fragrance to pacify an atmosphere that has been disturbed by conflict. Give him four drops of the elixir ANGER diluted in a glass of water several times a day. The elixir will help him understand himself and others in periods of restlessness, anger, at times of intolerance or irritation, of excessive susceptibility or possessiveness. To help him drink it you can dilute the elixirs in fruit juice or herbal tea… Repeat the process everyday until you see an improvement in his moods.
He lacks all motivation
Your teenager sits in front of the television all day long and doesn’t go out. He has given up all the hobbies he used to enjoy. His motivation also seems to be in decline at school, he does nothing anymore and you can’t seem to motivate him.
Our advice
Give your son or daughter four drops of the elixir MOTIVATION diluted in a glass of water several times a day. The elixir will help your child to take his life in hand and to face up to himself. It will give him a new desire to get involved in projects and to recover his enthusiasm to persevere and look to the future. To make it easier to drink, you can dilute the elixirs in fruit juice or tea. Repeat the process every day until you see an improvement in his mood.